Deploying Coro on Windows devices

This guide describes the process for deploying the Coro Agent to Windows devices.

Prerequisites and system requirements

Before you begin, make sure your Windows device meets the following prerequisites:

  • Coro Security Platform utilizes a Bitdefender Software Development Kit (SDK). To avoid conflicts that may interfere with the installation of the Coro Agent, Bitdefender and any other antivirus software based on Bitdefender must be uninstalled prior to installing the Coro Agent.
  • Windows devices must meet the minimum specifications .
  • You must have administrative permissions to install applications on your Windows device.

Deployment options

Install the Coro Agent through one of the processes described below:


For details on upgrading the Agent software, see Upgrading the agent.

Downloading and installing the Agent


The Agent detects the operating system's (OS) language during installation and adjusts its interface language to match.

The Agent supports the following languages:

  • English
  • Spanish (Spain)
  • Italian (Italy)

If the selected OS language is not supported, Coro defaults to English.

Admin users with sufficient permissions download the Agent from the Agent Deployment tab on the Control Panel > Devices page:

Windows Agent list

The Channel column on the Coro Agent deployment list categorizes each available version of the Agent based on its current stage within the Agent release life cycle as follows:

Release Stage Description
Beta The initial development and promotion phase of the Agent.
Release Candidate Quality assurance testing starts, followed by the initial internal deployment of the Agent.
Gradual Rollout Incremental update rollout starts for the stable Agent.
General Availability The incremental rollout concludes, and the Agent is fully released to all Coro protected users.

The All channels option allows admin users to select which release channels are allowed in the workspace:

All channels

The following options are available:

  • Stable release channels : Only Gradual Rollout and General Availability release channels are allowed in the workspace.
  • All release channels : All release channels are allowed in the workspace.

Show release channels

To download and install (or upgrade) the Coro Agent:

  1. Sign in to the Coro console .
  2. From the sidebar, select Control Panel to access the Control Panel .
  3. Select Devices > Agent Deployment .
  4. Go to to the Windows section:

    Windows Agent list

  5. Select ACTIONS :

    Actions Button

    Choose from the following actions:

    • Obtain a download link URL for the Agent installer:
      1. Select Copy link .
      2. A Copy Download Link dialog is displayed, which contains a URL link to the Agent installation file:

        Download Link

      3. Select COPY .

        The download link is copied to your clipboard.

      4. Paste the link into a web browser and follow the instructions to install.

      Admin users can distribute this link to endpoint device users for direct installation of the Agent. Additionally, they can use the same link for mass deployment through appropriate tools.

    • Download the Agent installer file:
      1. Select Download .

        The Agent installation file is downloaded to your local device.


        Do not rename the downloaded Agent installation file.

      2. After the download is complete, open the installation file and follow the instructions to install.

    After completing the installation, the Agent may download additional updates:

    Updates Banner

  6. After the installation and update process completes, open the Agent from the Windows system tray:

    Agent Icon

    Coro is now the primary antivirus (AV) software for the device and is listed as an authorized Windows Security Center (WSC) provider in the Virus & threat protection section of the Windows Security component:

    Windows Security Center provider


    To register Coro as an authorized WSC provider, your device must have:

    • Coro Agent v3.2 (beta or later installed.
    • Windows 10 or later installed.

    After the installation is complete, ensure you disable any firewall rules that may interfere with Coro Agent connectivity.

Known issues

  • The Coro Agent might not appear immediately in Windows Security Center (WSC) after deployment.

    To verify the WSC registration of the Coro Agent:

    1. Run the following PowerShell command:
      Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\SecurityCenter2" -Class "AntiVirusProduct"
    2. Locate displayName: Coro Endpoint Protection :

      WSC registration

      The Coro Agent is confirmed as an authorized WSC provider.

See also:

Configuring endpoint monitoring (Optional)

In addition to its basic functions, Coro provides specific endpoint monitoring capabilities that you can enable or disable.

To configure your endpoint monitoring settings, log in to your Coro console and select Control Panel > Devices > Settings. To learn more, see Protection Settings.

These settings apply to all devices in the workspace.

Using the Coro deployment script

Coro also provides the following PowerShell deploy script to enable organizations to install the Coro Agent to their Windows devices either individually or through Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) tools:

Expand for more details


# This script requires elevated privileges (Run PowerShell as Admin) to run.
# If you are deploying it via GPO or any other RMM, they will already run it in elevated mode, unless specifically configured otherwise.
# However, if you run it locally as a user, you must make sure your PowerShell instance is elevated (Run PowerShell as Admin), otherwise the script will fail.

# This script can be used both locally and with GPO or any other RMM that support PowerShell. However, some specific RMMs only support limited PowerShell commands, so this script might not work on these. In this case, please contact Coro support for help. 


#Add the Coro installation URL below (in between quotes ""). You can obtain the URL from your Coro Workspace (go to Control Panel -> Devices. Scroll down
#to the latest Windows version, select the Actions button, then select Copy URL. From the Copy Invite Link dialog, select Copy.) Finally, paste the URL below.

$url = "Add the Coro installation URL obtained from Coro Workspace here. Do not delete the quotes"

#The URL above contains a string named CoroInstaller_XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX.msi (where X represents random numbers). Paste this string below (in between quotes "").

$newFilename = "Add the Coro msi package from the URL here. For example, CoroInstaller_1b16c978-cd39-49bf-8809-7b4e87227e4e.msi. Do not delete the quotes"


#Set the variable below to $false if you want the script to bypass Coro installation check.
#This might be useful in some specific cases when it is required to reinstall Coro over the corrupted version.
#However, please note that this method not work in all cases. In such cases Coro needs to be uninstalled first and then reinstalled.

$checkCoroInstall = $true #Use only when asked to do so by Support: set this variable to $false to instruct the script bypass Coro installation check.


#Checking for elevated permissions

$isElevated = [Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal]::new([Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator)

$isUserContext = -not ([Environment]::UserInteractive -and $isElevated)

if (-not $isElevated -and $isUserContext) {

    Write-Host ""
	Write-Host "This script is not running in elevated mode. Please run Powershell as Administrator and execute this script." -ForegroundColor Cyan
	Write-Host "The script will now terminate as it cannot run without elevated permissions." -ForegroundColor Cyan
	Start-Sleep -Seconds 7 
	exit 1
} else {
    Write-Host "This instance is elevated, proceeding to the next step" -ForegroundColor Green
    Write-Host ""

#Display OS version

try {

Write-Host ""
Write-Host ""
$operatingSystem = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem
$osVersion = $operatingSystem.Version
$osEdition = $operatingSystem.Caption
$osArchitecture = $operatingSystem.OSArchitecture
$OSVersion = "$osEdition $osArchitecture $osVersion"
Write-Host "### $OSVersion ###"
Write-Host ""

	} catch { 

#Set variables

Write-Host "Configuring variables"

$logFilePath = "C:\Windows\Temp\CoroInstallerlog.txt"
$msiFilePath = "C:\Windows\Temp\$newFilename"
$folder = "C:\Program Files\Coro Cyber Security Ltd\Coro"					  
$file1 = "C:\Program Files\Coro Cyber Security Ltd\Coro\coronet-agent.exe"    #CoroAgent1SRV
$file2 = "C:\Program Files\Coro Cyber Security Ltd\Coro\CsAgent\csagent.exe"  #CoroAgent2SRV
$file3 = "C:\Program Files\Coro Cyber Security Ltd\Coro\user\Coro.exe"        #Coro UI 
$file4 = "C:\Program Files\Coro Cyber Security Ltd\Coro\coro-agent-s.exe"     #CoroAgent3SRV
$file5 = "C:\Program Files\Coro Cyber Security Ltd\Coro\coro-agent-w.exe"     #CoroAgent5SRV

Write-Host "Done!" -ForegroundColor Green

#Check if Coro is installed

if ($checkCoroInstall -ne $false) {

	Write-Host ""
	Write-Host "Checking if Coro is already installed"

	$installed = $false
	$present1 = $false
	$present2 = $false
	$present3 = $false
	$present4 = $false
	$present5 = $false

if (Test-Path -Path $folder -PathType Container) {
    $folderPresent = $true
	Write-Host ""
	Write-Host "$folder folder is detected" -ForegroundColor Yellow
	Write-Host "The script will check further" -ForegroundColor Yellow
} else {
    $folderPresent = $false
	Write-Host "Done! Coro is not installed, the script will carry on" -ForegroundColor Green

if ($folderPresent -ne $false) {
    if (Test-Path -Path $file1 -PathType Leaf) { $present1 = $true }
	if (Test-Path -Path $file2 -PathType Leaf) { $present2 = $true }
    if (Test-Path -Path $file3 -PathType Leaf) { $present3 = $true }
    if (Test-Path -Path $file4 -PathType Leaf) { $present4 = $true }
    if (Test-Path -Path $file5 -PathType Leaf) { $present5 = $true }

    if ($present1 -and $present2 -and $present3 -and $present4 -and $present5) {
	$installed = $true
	Write-Host "Coro is already installed. The script will terminate now" -ForegroundColor Cyan
	Start-Sleep -Seconds 7
	exit 1 
	}	elseif ($present1 -or $present2 -or $present3 -or $present4 -or $present5) {
		$installed = $false
		Write-Host "Coro is installed, but the following critical file(s) is/are missing:" -ForegroundColor Yellow
		Write-Host ""
		if (!$present1) { Write-Host "  - $file1 (CoroAgent1SRV)" -ForegroundColor Yellow}
        if (!$present2) { Write-Host "  - $file2 (CoroAgent2SRV)" -ForegroundColor Yellow}
        if (!$present3) { Write-Host "  - $file3 (CoroUI service)" -ForegroundColor Yellow}
        if (!$present4) { Write-Host "  - $file4 (CoroAgent3SRV)" -ForegroundColor Yellow}
        if (!$present5) { Write-Host "  - $file5 (CoroAgent5SRV)" -ForegroundColor Yellow}
		Write-Host ""
		Write-Host "The script will still attempt to install Coro" -ForegroundColor Green
		Write-Host "If the installation fails, please uninstall Coro and retry" -ForegroundColor Green
	} else {
		$installed = $false
		Write-Host "Done! Coro is not installed, the script will carry on" -ForegroundColor Green

} else {
	$installed = $false

if ($installed -ne $true) { 

#Download Coro installer

Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Downloading Coro installer. This might take some time, depending on download speed"

$webClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient

try {
    $webClient.DownloadFile($url, $msiFilePath)
    Write-Host "Done! The installer is placed in C:\Windows\Temp" -ForegroundColor Green
} catch {
	$errorMessage = $_.Exception.Message

    if ($errorMessage -like "*Could not find file*") {
    Write-Host ""
        Write-Host "Download error." -ForegroundColor Cyan
		Write-Host "Make sure Coro download URL and MSI file name are properly entered in `$url and `$newFilename variables in the script." -ForegroundColor Cyan
        Write-Host "Retry the script after checking." -ForegroundColor Cyan
        Write-Host ""
        Write-Host "If the error persists, please contact Support and provide a screenshot of this message." -ForegroundColor Cyan
    } elseif ($errorMessage -like "*The path is not of a legal form*") {  
		Write-Host ""
        Write-Host "Download error. Error code: The path is not of a legal form." -ForegroundColor Cyan
        Write-Host ""
        Write-Host "Make sure the `$newFilename and `$url variables are not empty" -ForegroundColor Cyan  
        Write-Host "Retry the script after checking." -ForegroundColor Cyan
        Write-Host ""
        Write-Host "If the error persists, please contact Support and provide a screenshot of this message." -ForegroundColor Cyan
	} elseif ($errorMessage -like "*Value cannot be null*") {  
        Write-Host ""
        Write-Host "Download error. Error code: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: address." -ForegroundColor Cyan
        Write-Host ""
        Write-Host "Make sure the `$url variable is not renamed in the script." -ForegroundColor Cyan  
        Write-Host "Retry the script after checking." -ForegroundColor Cyan
        Write-Host ""
        Write-Host "If the error persists, please contact Support and provide a screenshot of this message." -ForegroundColor Cyan
	 } elseif ($errorMessage -like "*An exception occurred during a WebClient request*") {  
	    Write-Host ""
        Write-Host "Download error. Error code: An exception occurred during a WebClient request." -ForegroundColor Cyan
        Write-Host ""
        Write-Host "Make sure the `$newFilename variable is not renamed in the script and that it contains the correct name of Coro MSI file." -ForegroundColor Cyan  
        Write-Host "Retry the script after checking." -ForegroundColor Cyan
        Write-Host ""
        Write-Host "If the error persists, please contact Support and provide a screenshot of this message." -ForegroundColor Cyan
	} else {
    Write-Host ""
        Write-Host "Error when downloading. Error message: $errorMessage" -ForegroundColor Cyan
        Write-Host ""
        Write-Host "Please contact Support and provide a screenshot of the error" -ForegroundColor Cyan 

    Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
    exit 1


#Install the downloaded file

try {
		Write-Host ""
		Write-Host "Installing Coro"
		$coroInstall = Start-Process msiexec.exe -PassThru -Wait -ArgumentList "/i `"$msiFilePath`" /qn /L*V `"$logFilePath`""				
		$exitCode = $coroInstall.ExitCode
		if ($exitCode -eq 0) {
		Write-Host "Done! It is recommended to reboot your machine to finalise the install" -ForegroundColor Green
		Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
		$success = $true

		} elseif ($exitCode -eq 1619) {
		Write-Host "Installation failed because of value of `$msiFilePath variable" -ForegroundColor Cyan
		Write-Host ""
		Write-Host "Please check the `$msiFilePath variable in the script" -ForegroundColor Cyan
		Write-Host "If the variable is correct, then this is something else" -ForegroundColor Cyan
		Write-Host ""
		Write-Host "Error code: $exitCode" -ForegroundColor Cyan
		Write-Host "Please contact Support and send $logFilePath log file along with a screenshot of this output" -ForegroundColor Cyan
		Remove-Item -Path $msiFilePath -Force -Confirm:$false
		Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
		exit 1
		} elseif ($exitCode -eq 1612) {

		Write-Host "Installation failed because the installation source is not available" -ForegroundColor Cyan
		Write-Host ""
		Write-Host "This often happens when Coro was already deployed via GPO/RMM in a wrong way (msi package renamed)" -ForegroundColor Cyan
		Write-Host "So please check GPO/RMM to ensure it is not pushing any Coro install policy to this device" -ForegroundColor Cyan
		Write-Host "After that, it is recommended to run the Uninstall script to delete all registry leftovers" -ForegroundColor Cyan
		Write-Host "Re-run this script after that" -ForegroundColor Cyan
		Write-Host ""
		Write-Host "If the error persists after all this, then this is something else" -ForegroundColor Cyan
		Write-Host ""
		Write-Host "Error code: $exitCode" -ForegroundColor Cyan
		Write-Host "Please contact Support and send $logFilePath log file along with a screenshot of this output" -ForegroundColor Cyan
		Remove-Item -Path $msiFilePath -Force -Confirm:$false
		Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
		exit 1
		} elseif ($exitCode -eq 1639) {
		Write-Host "Installation failed because of incorrect argument(s) of ArgumentList argument" -ForegroundColor Cyan
		Write-Host ""
		Write-Host "Please check the script" -ForegroundColor Cyan
		Write-Host ""
		Write-Host "If the argument is correct, then this is something else"
		Write-Host "Error code: $exitCode" -ForegroundColor Cyan
		Write-Host "Please contact Support and send a screenshot of this output" -ForegroundColor Cyan
		Remove-Item -Path $msiFilePath -Force -Confirm:$false
		Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
		exit 1
		} elseif ($exitCode -eq 1603 -and $checkCoroInstall -ne $true) {
		Write-Host "Installation failed" -ForegroundColor Cyan
		Write-Host ""
		Write-Host "Make sure the script is running in Elevated mode (Run PowerShell as Admin)" -ForegroundColor Cyan
		Write-Host "Also, make sure Coro's registry hive is present in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Installer\Products" -ForegroundColor Cyan
		Write-Host "If you just uninstalled Coro by any means, please reboot first and then run this script again" -ForegroundColor Cyan
		Write-Host "If the issue still persists, then there is some other corruption. Try to run the Uninstall script and retry" -ForegroundColor Cyan
		Write-Host ""
		Write-Host "Error code: $exitCode" -ForegroundColor Cyan
		Write-Host "Please contact Support and send a screenshot of this output" -ForegroundColor Cyan
		Remove-Item -Path $msiFilePath -Force -Confirm:$false
		Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
		exit 1

		} elseif ($exitCode -eq 1603) {

		Write-Host "Installation failed" -ForegroundColor Cyan
		Write-Host ""
		Write-Host "Make sure the script is running in Elevated mode (Run PowerShell as Admin)" -ForegroundColor Cyan
		Write-Host "If you just uninstalled Coro by any means, please reboot first and then run this script again" -ForegroundColor Cyan
		Write-Host "If the issue still persists, then there is some other corruption. Try to run the Uninstall script and retry" -ForegroundColor Cyan
		Write-Host ""
		Write-Host "Error code: $exitCode" -ForegroundColor Cyan
		Write-Host "Please contact Support and send a screenshot of this output" -ForegroundColor Cyan
		Remove-Item -Path $msiFilePath -Force -Confirm:$false
		Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
		exit 1

		} elseif ($exitCode -eq 1625) {
		Write-Host "Installation failed" -ForegroundColor Cyan
		Write-Host ""
		Write-Host "This often occurs when Coro is already installed but corrupted" -ForegroundColor Cyan
		Write-Host "Try to remove existing version of Coro via Control Panel or Uninstall script" -ForegroundColor Cyan
		Write-Host "If the issue still persists, then there is something else" -ForegroundColor Cyan
		Write-Host ""
		Write-Host "Error code: $exitCode" -ForegroundColor Cyan
		Write-Host "Please contact Support and send a screenshot of this output" -ForegroundColor Cyan
		Remove-Item -Path $msiFilePath -Force -Confirm:$false
		Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
		exit 1
		} else {

		Write-Host "Installation failed, error code: $exitCode" -ForegroundColor Cyan
		Write-Host ""
		Write-Host "If Coro was ever installed on this machine, please first run the Uninstall script to clear all the leftovers and then retry."
		Write-Host "Please contact Support and send $logFilePath log file along with a screenshot of this output" -ForegroundColor Cyan
		Remove-Item -Path $msiFilePath -Force -Confirm:$false
		Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
		exit 1
	} catch { }
#Delete installation files

if ($success -eq $true) {

Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Deleting installation and log files as they are no longer required"

if (Test-Path -Path $logFilePath) {

    Remove-Item -Path $logFilePath -Force -Confirm:$false

if (Test-Path -Path $msiFilePath) {

    Remove-Item -Path $msiFilePath -Force -Confirm:$false

Write-Host "Done!"  -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Coro has been installed successfully" -ForegroundColor Green

Start-Sleep -Seconds 5

} else { }

} else { }

In this script, replace the following variable markers with real values:

  • $url : The download URL for the latest version of the Coro Agent installer for Windows, obtained from the Coro console. For details, see Deploying Coro on windows endpoints .
  • $newFilename : The .msi installer filename, extracted from the download URL.

Standard deployment script variables

For example, using the download URL:

This results in the following script values:

Standard deployment script variables populated


Make sure you do not delete the quotations when replacing the placeholder text.


If you manage multiple workspaces, you must create a copy of the standard Coro deployment script and repeat this process for each workspace.