Deploying Coro to Windows devices with Microsoft Intune
This guide describes how to deploy the Coro Agent to your Windows endpoints through the Microsoft Intune endpoint management platform.
To successfully deploy Coro to Windows endpoints via Intune, you need to:
- Download Coro Agent and the Microsoft Win32 Content Prep Tool
- Package Coro as an Intune file
- Create the deployment in Intune
Download Coro Agent and the Microsoft Win32 Content Prep Tool
Perform the following steps:
Sign in to your Workspace on the Coro Console. Navigate to
Control Panel > Devices > Agent Deployment
and locate the latest version of the Windows agent from the list of available versions. From the
menu, select
to download a copy of the agent .MSI file to your local device.
- Download the Microsoft Win32 Content Prep Tool utility “IntuneWinAppUtil.exe” from the Microsoft GitHub repository:
Package Coro as an Intune file
Perform the following steps:
- On your local device, Create a folder called “Coro App”, and then create an additional folder within it called “CoroInstaller_ [workspace ID] ”, where the workspace ID is derived from the Coro Agent .msi file downloaded from the Coro Console.
Copy the Coro Agent installer .msi file into the "Coro App" folder.
Your directory structure should resemble this example:
Locate and run "IntuneWinAppUtil.exe", downloaded in a
previous step
The program starts a command prompt window, requesting “Please specify the source folder:”
For this and each subsequent prompt, enter the follow information:
- Please specify the source folder: The location of your Coro App folder
- Please specify the setup file: The name of the .msi file in the Coro App folder
- Please specify the output folder: The location of the CoroInstaller_ [workspace ID] folder within the Coro App folder
- Do you want to specify catalog folder: N
The utility creates an .intunewin file within the CoroInstaller_
[workspace ID]
Create the deployment in Intune
Perform the following steps:
- In Microsoft Azure, navigate to Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center .
- Navigate to Apps > All Apps , then select the “+” icon to add a new app.
For the app type, select “Windows app (Win32)”.
This app type enables you to upload the .intunewin file created in this section. Locate this file through the App package file file browser, then select OK.
In the
App Information
step, confirm the details and add “Coro” to the
Select Next to continue.
In the
step, leave all fields with their prefilled values.
Do not modify the actions for the Windows Installer return codes as this could lead to system errors.
Select Next to continue.
In the
step, set the following fields:
- Operating system architecture : Select "64-bit".
- Minimum operating system : Specify the minimum allowed Windows version for your endpoint devices, as per your organization's security protocols.
- All other fields can be left blank.
Select Next to continue.
In the
Detection Rules
step, set
Rules Format
to “Manually configure detection rules”, then select
+ Add
to specify a new rule.
In the Detection Rule pane, configure the following fields:
- Rule type : Select “File”.
- Path : Enter "C:\Program Files\Coro Cyber Security Ltd\Coro\user"
- File or folder : Enter "Coro.exe"
- Detection method : Select "File or folder exists"
- Associate with a 32-bit app or 64-bit clients : Select "No"
Select OK to create the rule, then select Next to continue.
- Coro does not require any configuration added to the Dependencies and Supersedences steps. Unless you wish to specify any additional settings here, select Next on each step.
Add the groups to which you would like to deploy the Coro Agent.
Select Next to continue.
In the
Review + create
step, verify the information added for your deployment app, then select
to start deploying the Coro Agent.
For additional information regarding Intune’s app distribution, refer to the following article:
For additional information about packaging applications as .intunewin files, refer to the following article: