Deploying Coro via ConnectWise Automate

This guide describes how to deploy the Coro Agent to an endpoint device using ConnectWise Automate.

ConnectWise Automate is a remote monitoring and management (RMM) solution that provides complete access and control over agent and agentless devices across your network. You can remotely access devices, either manually or automatically, without disrupting users while resolving performance and security issues.

The procedure in this section describes:

  1. Creating a deployment script
  2. Deploying Coro

Use the same process to create a Coro Uninstall script, used to uninstall Coro from endpoint devices via ConnectWise.


Before you begin this guide, make sure you have:

  • An active Coro subscription
  • Coro Agent version (3.1) or later installed on your device
  • A ConnectWise Automate administration account
  • Access to ConnectWise Automate Control
  • Devices listed and ready for Coro deployment in ConnectWise Automate

Creating a deployment script

Follow this procedure to create a deployment script, which is used to deploy the Coro Agent on endpoint devices via ConnectWise.

To create a deployment script:

  1. Sign in to ConnectWise Automate using an administrator account.
  2. From the main page, select Automation :

    ConnectWise Manage login

    ConnectWise displays all available scripts:

    Available scripts

  3. Right-click All Scripts :

    All Scripts

  4. Select Create Folder :

    Create Folder

    ConnectWise creates a new folder.

  5. Name the folder Coro .
  6. Right-click the Coro subfolder, select Create Folder , and name the folder Coro Agent :

    Coro Agent folder

  7. Select the Coro Agent folder, then select + ADD :

    Coro Agent folder

    ConnectWise displays the New Script page:

    New Script

  8. Enter the following deployment script information:
    • Name : The deployment script name, for example, Coro Agent Deployment .
    • Description : The description for the deployment script, for example, A script to deploy the Coro Agent on remote devices .
    • Target : Select Computer to apply the script to a device.
    • Automation Time : The amount of time the automation script saves. Enter 10 minute(s).
    • Options : Enable the following options:
      • Isolated Script : When enabled, ensures scripts that are scheduled against an agent are delayed until this particular script completes execution.

        Isolated Script is only available if the script Target is set to Computer.

      • Maintenance Script : When enabled, ensures the script executes on agents in maintenance modes that typically block script execution.

        Maintenance Script is only available if the script Target is set to Computer.

    New Script

  9. Select NEXT :

    New Script

  10. Drag the Execute Script action (found under the Command Execution section):

    New Script

  11. Enter the following script parameter information:
    • Script Type : Select PowerShell .
    • Script Editor : Paste the following Coro deployment script:
      Expand for more details
      New-Item "C:\Coroinstall" -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
      Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "ADD CORO URL HERE" -OutFile "C:\Coroinstall\COROFILE.msi"
      Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
      msiexec /i "C:\Coroinstall\COROFILE.msi"
      Start-Sleep -Seconds 60
      Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Coroinstall -File | Remove-Item -Verbose
      Start-Sleep -Seconds 10

      In this script, replace the following with real values:

      • ADD CORO URL HERE : The download URL for the latest version of the Coro Agent installer for Windows, obtained from the Coro console. For details, see Deploying Coro on windows endpoints .
      • COROFILE.msi : The unique installer .msi filename embedded in the download URL.

      ConnectWise deployment script variables

      For example, if the download URL is:


      The installer filename (shown in bold) is then used within the shell script as per the following example:

      COROFILE.msi = CoroInstaller_123abc-456def-789abc.msi

      ConnectWise deployment script populated


      Make sure you do not delete the quotations when replacing the placeholder text for ADD CORO URL HERE.


      If you manage multiple workspaces you must create a copy of the standard Coro deployment script and repeat this process for each workspace.

      If you are performing an uninstallation, use the following Coro uninstall script:

      Expand for more details
      $packageToDelete = "Coro*"
      $uninstallPath64 = "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*"
      $registryResult64 = Get-ItemProperty -Path $uninstallPath64 | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName -like $packageToDelete }
      $valueReg64 = $registryResult64.UninstallString
      $match = [regex]::Match($valueReg64, '\{[^}]+\}')
      $uninstallStringReg64 = $match.Value
      Start-Process msiexec.exe -PassThru -Wait -ArgumentList "/x $uninstallStringReg64 /qn"
    • Script Parameters : Leave blank.
    • Script Credentials : Select Admin .
    • Variable : Leave blank.
  12. Select SAVE

    ConnectWise re-displays the Script Editor page.

  13. Select the Settings tab:
  14. Enable the Execute and Edit options for each User Class :

    New Script


    Make sure both Execute and Edit options are enabled to allow all users to edit and execute the script.

    Make sure Enable Enhanced Script Logging is enabled to create more detailed logs when the script is executed.

  15. Select SAVE .

    ConnectWise displays the Save Script confirmation dialog.

  16. Select YES :

    Save Script

    ConnectWise saves the script.

  17. Select Automation :

    ConnectWise Manage login

  18. Expand the Coro folder and select the Coro Agent subfolder. In the right pane, ConnectWise displays the script you created:

    New script created

Deploying Coro

Deploy the Coro Agent to required devices via the created deployment script as follows:

  1. From the main page, select the device(s) from the Computer Name list:

    Select device(s)

  2. Select Scripts and then select the script from the list:

    Select script

    ConnectWise displays a deployment options dialog:

  3. Leave all options as default and select RUN :

    Deployment options

    ConnectWise displays message to inform you the script is scheduled to run on the selected device(s).

    If the user has insufficient permissions:

    • Sign out of ConnectWise Automate and then sign back in.
    • If unsuccessful, ensure the user has the correct script execution permissions:
    • From the main page, select Settings :


    • Select User Management .
    • Make sure the specified user has all necessary permissions.
  4. Select OK :

    Deployment scheduled

  5. To check the status of the script, select Auditing


    The Auditing page appears. An overview of the deployment script is displayed:


    The script is ready to be executed for the selected devices. The Coro Agent is deployed immediately upon execution or at the scheduled execution time.