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Viewing a summary report

The executive summary report offers a detailed overview of the security status and activities within a workspace. It features a dynamic structure that adapts to the specific modules enabled in the workspace and the tickets generated within the selected reporting period.

The report is divided into several key sections, including:

  • a general overview highlighting protected users, devices covered, and generated tickets

  • the top vulnerabilities for the workspace

  • tickets and top vulnerabilities for each module

The report is available for download as a PDF. You can select a custom date range for the report, and any modules enabled during that time are included.

To access the summary report:

  1. Sign into the Coro console.

  2. Navigate to Control Panel > Reports.


    The executive summary report appears.

    executive summary report

  3. To filter by a custom date range, select Date range.

    Date range for report

  4. To download the report, select Download > PDF.

    download report