Agent settings

Coro provides endpoint device monitoring capabilities through the Agent:

Heartbeat interval

Defines how often Coro pings devices to monitor their security status.

Allow agent uninstallation

Specifies if admin users can uninstall the Coro Agent from their workspace devices.

Visibility mode

Generates events and sends notifications to end users without performing any automatic remediation. Windows devices only.


Configures the Coro Agent to auto-update when new versions are released.

Advanced threat control

Monitors active processes for known and potential threats, and blocks processes (that are not explicitly allowlisted) that exhibit suspicious behavior.

Secured shadow backup protection

Enforces backup snapshots every four hours and blocks processes that exhibit risks to the backup. Windows devices only.

Enhanced EDR block mode

Enables Enhanced EDR (endpoint detection and response) block mode to ensure access to timely data that may otherwise be suppressed by the environment.

Initial scan

Configures the Coro Agent to perform an initial malware and ransomeware scan upon installation.