The Devices page provides a complete list of protected endpoint devices connected to your workspace.
To access the Devices page:
- Sign in to the Coro console .
From the sidebar, select
Views > Devices
Coro displays the Devices page:
On this page, you can:
View the full list of devices, with indicators for:
- If a device has outstanding unresolved tickets
- If the device is part of a labelled group .
- Online devices.
- Offline devices, where that device has been uncontactable for 24 hours. These devices might be switched off or just disconnected from the internet.
- Filter the list to devices that match a specific set of criteria.
- Find devices matching a specified search string.
Select a specific device to show more details, including:
- Device type
- Installed Coro Agent version
- Connected internal and external drives
- Open tickets connected with this device
- Recently logged-in users
- An activity log summary filtered to show only those events involving this device
- Remove applied device labels.
View connected device drive encryption statuses, which include:
- Encrypted
- Not Encrypted
- Encryption Failed
- Encryption Suspended
- Encryption In Progress
Encrypt connected device drives.
Coro supports device drive encryption for:
- Internal and external drives on Windows devices.
- Internal drives on macOS devices.
- Perform various administrative Actions on a device.
Devices associated with any module requiring the installation of the Coro Agent appear in the devices list, even if no other modules are enabled.
Expand the Drives section to display more information related to the internal and external drives connected to a device, which include:
- Friendly name
- Encryption status
- Recovery key
- Model
- Serial key
Coro manages and displays recovery keys for encrypted drives as follows:
- Coro displays the recovery key for encrypted drives after they are unlocked with the correct password.
- Coro does not display the recovery key for locked encrypted drives.
- Coro displays the recovery key for drives it encrypts and for unlocked drives encrypted by third-party software.
Coro displays information for the previous eight drives connected to the device.
If a non-removable drive has no friendly name, Coro displays Local Disk.
If a removable drive has no friendly name, Coro displays USB Drive.
Page filters
Coro offers the following filters on this page:
Filter type | Description |
Groups | Show only devices that match a selected device status (Online/Offline) or belong to one or more selected groups (all predefined and custom device labels). |
OS version | Show only devices running the selected Operating System type and version. |
Coro version | Show only devices running the selected Coro Agent version. |
Vulnerability | Show only devices identified as having an open or closed ticket for one or more of the selected endpoint device vulnerabilities. To learn more about each vulnerability type, see Ticket types for Endpoint Security and Ticket types for Endpoint Data Governance. |
Device actions
Coro provides the following Actions on the currently selected device:
This list varies depending on the state of the device, so not all actions are available for all devices. Where a device is currently offline, a requested action may not take effect until the device reconnects.
Action | Description |
View details | If this device has open tickets logged against it, show the relevant tickets in the Ticket Log. |
Disable protection | Deactivate Coro protection for this device. To re-enable protection, navigate to the Activity Log, locate the relevant log entry, and select the Undo link. |
Close related tickets | Mark all open tickets related to this device as closed and remediated. |
Add label | Add this device to a label group. For more details, see Device labels. |
Reboot device | Remotely send a reboot command to the device. |
Shut down device | Remotely send a shut down command to the device. |
Open remote shell | Start a command prompt on the device to enable you to run commands remotely. For more details, see Using the remote shell to access endpoint devices. |
Remote scan for malware | Remotely scan the device's drives for the presence of malware. Coro adds a message to the device's Agent notifications tab to inform end users that a scan has been remotely initiated, and any detected malware is logged in the Coro Ticket Log as a Malware on endpoint ticket. |
Stop remote scan for malware | This action is available if remote scan for malware was started and is currently in progress. |
Remote scan for sensitive data | Remotely scan the device's drives for the presence of sensitive data such as PII (Personally Identifiable Information). For each drive that is scanned, a ticket is created that contains a list of the sensitive files that have been detected. For more details on senstive data, see Regulatory sensitive information types. |
Stop remote scan for sensitive data | This action is available if remote scan for sensitive data was started and is currently in progress. |
Allow no encryption | Allow this device to have unencrypted drives without triggering an Unencrypted Endpoint Drive ticket. |
Update Agent to latest stable version | Remotely update the Coro Agent to the latest stable version for your workspace. |
Isolate from network | Isolates the selected device from the network. An isolated device cannot communicate with any resource on the network or the internet. The Coro process remains functional in order to communicate with the Coro server. |
Export CSV | Exports the list of selected Devices list to a comma-separated value (CSV) file. |
To perform an action on multiple devices, select the checkbox next to each required device. Then, select ACTIONS from the left panel:
Export CSV
Select this action to save the list of selected Devices to a CSV file. Coro presents a message confirming that the export to CSV file is in progress and that it will be available at the Activity Log page later. Export CSV creates a comma-separated file containing the following fields:
- enrollmentCode
- hostName
- appVersion
- marketingVersion
- ProtectedSince
- osType
- osDisplayName
- labels
- lastLoggedInUsers
- outdated
- offline
- isolationStatus
Where a field has more than one value, a line break separates those values.