Agent deployment

Use the Agent Deployment tab to manage the Coro Agent version you are deploying to your endpoint devices.

To access Agent Deployment:

  1. Log into the Coro console and select Control Panel from the toolbar.

    Control panel

  2. Select Devices .


  3. Select the Agent Deployment tab.

    Agent deployment

Supported macOS and Windows Agent versions are listed separately, providing you the ability to view and deploy the version that represents your needs. Each version in the table includes a release notes link, the release date, the release channel (Stable or Beta), the number of devices currently using that version, and an Actions menu providing you options to copy a link URL or download the Agent installer package.

Select the Release notes arrow icon to show or hide a dialog containing the notes for that version. For example:

Release notes arrow

Select the gear icon to show a dialog enabling you to display Agent versions pertaining to only stable release channels or all release channels:

Release channels

From the Actions menu for each version, you can:

  • Download the Coro Agent installation software package, typically if you are planning to mass-deploy the Coro Agent
  • Get a URL for the Agent installer, usually to share with specific end users so that they can install the Agent directly onto their devices.

Coro Security Platform utilizes a Bitdefender Software Development Kit (SDK). To avoid conflicts that may interfere with the installation of the Coro Agent, Bitdefender and any other antivirus software based on Bitdefender must be uninstalled prior to installing the Coro Agent.

To have Coro notify your users of available Coro Agent updates, enable the relevant option.

To learn more on installing the Coro Agent, see: