Adding a new MSP admin user

This article describes how to add a new Managed Service Provider (MSP) admin user. MSP admin users manage their channel workspace and any descendant workspaces.


You must first add an account as an admin user before you can add it as an MSP admin user.


An account can serve as an MSP admin user once within a single MSP hierarchy.

To add a new MSP admin user account:

  1. Sign into the Coro console .
  2. From the sidebar, select Manage workspaces icon to access Manage Workspaces .

    Coro displays the Manage Workspaces portal:

    Manage Workspaces

  3. Select the MSP admin users tab:

    MSP admin users tab

    Coro displays the MSP admin users screen:

    MSP admin users

  4. Select + ADD MSP ADMIN USER :

    add MSP admin user button

    Coro displays the Add MSP admin user dialog:

    add MSP admin user

  5. Select a channel workspace to which you want to add the MSP admin user.
  6. Select an existing admin user from the workspace to upgrade to an MSP admin user. To add a new admin user to a workspace, see adding a new admin user .
  7. Select a role for the MSP admin user. For more information about roles, see MSP admin user roles .
  8. Select SAVE .

    The MSP admin user is added.