Installing the Coro Outlook add-in for a GoDaddy hosted email service

For organizations that host their email solution with GoDaddy, Coro's Outlook add-in can be installed on your users' endpoint devices.

To enable the Coro Outlook add-in, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your GoDaddy account.
  2. Access Email & Office from the menu:

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  3. Navigate to Admin > Advanced :

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  4. In the Advanced Admin Centers page, select the Exchange > Sign In link:

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  5. Sign in with your Exchange admin account credentials.
  6. In the Exchange Admin Center , navigate to Organization -> Add-Ins :

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  7. From the + menu, select Add from URL :

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  8. In the Add from URL dialog, enter the Coro Outlook Add-in URL:

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    Select Install to continue.

  9. After installation is complete, locate Coro in the Add-ins list and select Edit or double-click to view the Edit Add-in Settings dialog. Enable Make this add-in available to users in your organization , set Specify user defaults to the option that best fit your organizational needs, then select Save :

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The process is complete.

To verify, make sure you can locate Coro in the Add-Ins for Outlook dialog within the Outlook app:

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Users can access Coro through the email message menu:

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